Be the Bee Videos

The Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (Y2AM) recently began a weekly series of short, informative, entertaining, and spiritually beneficial videos.  The series, “Be the Bee,” is named after a metaphor associated with Elder Paisios of Mount Athos (+1994), and explores ways that we can all focus on what is good and beautiful in our everyday lives.



“Our Department has been very successful at connecting with people and sharing the Faith through a variety of social media, and we realized that there wasn’t much of an Orthodox presence on YouTube,” said Father Jason Roll, Director.  “Our youth are already on YouTube, so why aren’t we?  It’s a natural way to preach the Gospel and spread Christ’s unconditional love.”

Viewers can access the channel by searching “Y2AM” on YouTube, or going to

“Thank God the response has been very positive so far,” said “Be the Bee” host and Youth Protection / Parish Ministries Coordinator, Steven Christoforou.  “Our first episode already has over 600 views, and we hope that this series will be helpful to an ever wider audience.”