Orthodoxy in Hawaii
Wikipedia article:
"The first liturgical Christian service held in Hawaii was a Russian Orthodox Paschal service. Sometime between 1750 - 1793*, while traveling from the Far East to what was then Russian America, a Russian trading ship stopped over in the Hawaiian Islands. The Russian Orthodox priest, not wanting to celebrate Pascha at sea, instructed the captain to disembark. The captain then told the priest that he feared the "natives" but was then told, "They will not harm us, for we are Orthodox, and we bear the Light of Christ to illumine their hearts." They disembarked and blessed a temporary altar under a newly built temple made out of palms and bamboo and adorned with a Znammeny icon of the Mother of God and the Christ Child. It was rumored that as they departed the priest left the icon used in the Paschal Liturgy. The ship's priest promised that, "We shall return and baptize these natives to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."
Now, in the twenty-first century, there are a few Orthodox parishes and missions around the islands of Hawaii besides Saints Constantine and Helen.
Here on the Capital Isle of O'ahu
Holy Theotokos of Iveron Russian Orthodox Church
Kailua, Hawaii, 96734
(808) 256-9482
Holy Theotokos of Iveron parish recently purchased property in Kailua, on the windward side of O'ahu. The building is the new home to the eponymous myrrh-streaming icon.
St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church
1052 Ilima Drive
Honolulu, HI 96817
Although not in full communion with the canonical Orthodox Church, the Copts are similar in doctrine and practice.
On the Island of Maui
Maui Greek Orthodox Mission

On the Big Island of Hawaii
St. Juvenaly Mission
St. Paul Church Pavilion
79-7234 St. Paul Rd.
Honalo, HI 96740
Holy Ascension Orthodox Church
(Just off the highway, on the way to Akaka Falls)
Irene at 808-430-0845